Bribie Island has one of the highest number of species of birds anywhere in Queensland. To date, some 343 species have been recorded. The variety of marine and terrestrial habitats - beaches, lagoons, mudflats, mangroves, wallum wetlands, heathlands and open forest - provide different ecological niches,
while the shallow waters of Moreton Bay and the Pumicestone Passage attract marine species from both the tropical north and colder south. However, some species are facing habitat loss, and others, such as Jacky Winters, Grey-crowned Babblers, and the Coastal Emu, best known for 'Eric' who visited streets and gardens, perhaps have already become locally extinct. We have included a portfolio of photos generously given by a number of skilled photographers.
Radjah Shelduck Tadorna radjah
Photo by M. Britton
White-throated Honeyeater
Melithreptus albogularis
Photo by M. Britton
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus
Photo by G. Harrison
Beach Stone-curlew Esacus magnirostris,
with chick
Photo by P. Cuddihy
Black Swan Cygnus atratus
Photo by M. Britton
Restless Flycatcher Myiagra inquieta
Photo by M. Britton
Australian Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons
Photo by D. Simpson
EMU Dromaius novaehollandiae
Reduced to small population in national park and occasionally on beaches and urban streets. Possibly heading for local extinction.
Common breeding resident, increasing in numbers. Male bird builds huge compost like nests.
STUBBLE QUAIL Coturnix pectoralis
Very rare visitor to heathland in national park (T. Ford).
BROWN QUAIL Synoicus ypsilophorus
Common breeding resident in grassy or vegetated areas, heathland, forest. Breeds at Kakadu Beach bird roost.
KING QUAIL Synoicus chinensis
Rare visitor or perhaps uncommon resident to heathland in national park.
MAGPIE GOOSE Anseranas semipalmata
First recorded in 1988 and now common breeding resident up to 100. Breeds Bribie Lakes, Buckley’s Hole.
PLUMED WHISTLING-DUCK Dendrocygna eytoni
Regular visitor to Buckley’s Hole and Bibymulya Wetlands. Regularly seen at Belara Lake since about 2018 with relatively high numbers between June and September. Seen in 2023 at Col Fisher Park.
Irregular visitor to wetlands, especially Buckley’s Hole and Sewerage Plant.
MUSK DUCK Biziura lobata
Very rare visitor to deep permanent wetlands; Buckley’s Hole in August 1999 (T. Ford).
PINK‑EARED DUCK Malacorhynchus membranaceus
Uncommon to rare visitor to Buckley’s Hole (6 recorded June 2008), usually when drought affects the inland. One also recorded in 2018 on eBird.
FRECKLED DUCK Stictonetta naevosa
Very rare visitor to Buckley’s Hole (January 2013).
BLACK SWAN Cygnus atratus
Common breeding resident on Buckley Hole and other larger waterbodies. Very common in The Narrows in Pumicestone Passage where flock of over 500 has been recorded. Probably increasing with protection.
RADJAH SHELDUCK Tadorna radjah
Recorded at Buckleys Hole and Sewerage Ponds in June 2016 (J. Nargar), and in September 2020 and in November 2023 (M. Strong & C. Bell). Two birds seen by eBirders almost monthly from May 2022 to December 2023 with numbers reported up to 10 - four seen by Michael Willis in February 2023 (eBird with photo).
AUSTRALIAN WOOD DUCK Chenonetta jubata
Very common breeding resident. Frequents gardens and parks. Nests in tree hollows.
HARDHEAD Aythya australis
Seasonal winter visitor in pairs or small numbers to Buckley’s Hole and other deep-water bodies. Ebird sightings are throughout the year back to about 2009 but more seen in winter.
Uncommon visitor to Buckley's Hole. Attracted “twitchers” in March 2014, Nov 2014, Sep 2017, May-August 2019 (1-3 birds), June 2021 (2 birds) and Sept-Oct 2023.
PACIFIC BLACK DUCK Anas superciliosa
Very common breeding resident. Frequents gardens and parks. Resident at Buckley’s Hole and other water bodies.
NORTHERN MALLARD hybrid * Anas platyrhynchos
Rare visitor to Buckley’s Hole in September 2022 and August 2023. Possibly hybrid with Pacific Black Duck. Look for orange legs.
GREY TEAL Anas gracilis
Common breeding resident, sometimes in large flocks when drought present.
CHESTNUT TEAL Anas castanea
Iconic Bribie breeding resident. Common at Buckley’s Hole and Kakadu Beach bird roost irregularly.
AUSTRALASIAN GREBE Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
Common breeding resident on Buckley's Hole and other permanent water bodies.
HOARY-HEADED GREBE Poliocephalus poliocephalus
Rare winter visitor to Buckley’s Hole.
GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus
Very rare visitor to wetlands and marine Passage. Recorded and photographed at Buckleys Hole in September 2017.
RED-TAILED TROPICBIRD Phaethon rubricauda
Very rare marine visitor; usually after cyclonic winds.
Very rare marine visitor; usually after cyclonic winds.
ROCK DOVE * Columba livia
Feral vagrant. The common city pigeon, also used for racing. Uncommon visitor, probably resting after disorientation from racing.
WHITE-HEADED PIGEON Columba leucomela
Uncommon visitor from mainland. One bird recorded on eBird in October 2022Feeds in rain forest laurels and figs and favours introduced Camphor laurels as food species. Status uncertain; was rare, then recovered with expansion of camphor laurel. May be decreasing in numbers again after camphor laurel declared an invasive weed.
BARBARY DOVE Streptopelia roseogrisea
Very rare feral vagrant.
SPOTTED DOVE Spilopelia chinensis
Very common introduced breeding resident in parks and suburban gardens.
BROWN CUCKOO-DOVE Macropygia phasianella
Uncommon resident, probably breeding. Occasionally seen at Sewage Works and seen recently in August, October and December 2023. Frequents frest and areas of regrowth. Feeds on introduced berries and fruits.
COMMON BRONZEWING Phaps chalcoptera
Uncommon breeding resident; national park, heathland. One photographed at Golf Course in November 2023.
Very rare; national park, heathland. T. Ford recorded two at sewerage works on Oct 2002. C. Bell recorded one on the Red Beach track in December 2023.
CRESTED PIGEON Ocyphaps lophotes
Very common breeding resident in parks and suburban gardens.
PEACEFUL DOVE Geopelia placida
Once common breeding resident, decreasing in numbers. Often seen along White Patch foreshore and parkland.
BAR-SHOULDERED DOVE Geopelia humeralis
Common breeding resident in national park and forested areas.
PACIFIC EMERALD-DOVE Chalcophaps longirostris
Unobtrusive resident, probably breeding locally. Frequents areas of rain forest in national park, White Patch and Red Beach track.
WOMPOO FRUIT-DOVE Megaloprepia magnifica
Very rare irregular visitor from mainland rain forests.
SUPERB FRUIT-DOVE Ptilinopus superbus
Very rare irregular visitor from mainland rain forests.
Uncommon irregular visitor from mainland rain forests. Seen in White Patch/National Park area regularly during 2020 but less so in other years. Favours Corkbark trees near White Patch Parks car park.
TOPKNOT PIGEON Lopholaimus antarcticus
Uncommon irregular visitor from mainland rain forests. Flocks travel to Moreton Island via Bribie.
TAWNY FROGMOUTH Podargus strigoides
Common breeding resident. Suburban gardens and parks, forest areas. Frequent road victim.
WHITE-THROATED NIGHTJAR Eurostopodus mystacalis
Uncommon breeding resident in national park. Possibly more common than seen.
Rare breeding resident, possibly more common than seen.
Seasonal migrant from August to March. Forms large flocks up to 300 on nearby mainland and sometimes crosses over Passage. Declining numbers due to logging of old growth forests in Japan where it breeds. National recording of all sightings can be sent to Michael Tarburton: email
Rare summer migrant, usually with flocks of Needletails. Usually reported October and November.
HOUSE SWIFT Apus nipalensis
Very rare visitor in flocks of Needletails.
PHEASANT COUCAL Centropus phasianinus
Common breeding resident. Its deep resonant ‘oom-ooom’ call often locates it. Frequent road victim.
EASTERN KOEL Eudynamys orientalis
Common breeding summer migrant. Familiar ‘coo-ee’ call from suburban orchard trees.
CHANNEL-BILLED CUCKOO Scythrops novaehollandiae
Irregular summer visitor, probably breeding. Becoming more common, especially near native fig species.
Rare summer migrant, probably breeding locally.
Common summer breeding migrant in national park and forest areas. Most frequently observed on eBird in Sewage Works and around Buckley’s Hole.
LITTLE BRONZE-CUCKOO Chalcites minutillus
Very rare summer migrant. Very infrequently observed on eBird – some sightings in 2023 in southern end of Island.
FAN-TAILED CUCKOO Cacomantis flabelliformis
Common breeding migrant in national park and forest areas.
BRUSH CUCKOO Cacomantis variolosus
Uncommon summer breeding migrant in national park and forest areas. Infrequent sightings on eBird but 2023 seemed to be a good year.
PALLID CUCKOO Heteroscenes pallidus
Once common, now very rare summer visitor. Only six sightings on eBird over last 10+ years but two of them in 2023.
ORIENTAL CUCKOO Cuculus saturatus
Rare breeding migrant. Has bred at Buckley’s Hole in 2019.
LEWIN'S RAIL Lewinia pectoralis
Rare breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole. Not seen at Buckley’s Hole since 2019.
BUFF-BANDED RAIL Hypotaenidia philippensis
Very common breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole, Kakadu Beach bird roost, local wetlands.
Very rare visitor to wetlands.
BAILLON'S CRAKE Zapornia pusilla
Rare irregular visitor to Buckley’s Hole. Not reported on eBird since 2019.
SPOTLESS CRAKE Zapornia tabuensis
Elusive breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole. Can be seen foraging along the edges of reed beds when the water levels are low.
PALE-VENTED BUSH-HEN Amaurornis moluccana
Rare irregular visitor. Two birds seen at Buckley’s in November 2012 and one bird seen at Sports Complex in October 2021.
WHITE-BROWED CRAKE Amaurornis cinerea
Rare irregular sighting at Buckley’s Hole. Recorded August 2021 (M. Strong & L. Cross). Seen frequently in June 2020 and August 2021 on eBird with photos – maybe also in October 2021.
AUSTRALIAN SWAMPHEN Porphyrio melanotus
Common breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole, Bibymulya Wetlands and other water bodies.
DUSKY MOORHEN Gallinula tenebrosa
Very common breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole, Bibymulya Wetlands and other water bodies.
BLACK-TAILED NATIVE-HEN Tribonyx ventralis
Very rare visitor to wetlands. One sighting on eBird in 2013.
Common visitor, possibly resident, to Buckleys Hole, sometimes in large numbers up to 60 birds.
BROLGA Antigone rubicunda
Uncommon visitor from mainland to wetlands and national park. Only four sightings on eBird including one flyover in 2020, possibly from a pair that bred at Toorbul near Ningi Creek. Other three 1996-2007.
LITTLE PENGUIN Eudyptula minor
Very rare marine visitor (T. Ford).
WILSON’S STORM-PETREL Oceanites oceanicus
Very rare marine visitor to Passage (T. Ford).
Very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford). The species has recently been divided into four new species, Snowy, Tristan, Antipodean and Amsterdam albatrosses. Until these are identified individually in Bribie waters, we have retained the overarching Wandering Albatross species.
BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS Thalassarche melanophrys
Very rare marine visitor in winter. One record from Bribie Island in 1983,
SHY ALBATROSS Thalassarche cauda
Very rare marine visitor in winter (M. Strong and J. Tilly).
YELLOW-NOSED ALBATROSS Thalassarche chlororhynchos
Very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford). A new taxonomic division into two species is proposed.
SOUTHERN GIANT-PETREL Macronectes giganteus
Very rare marine visitor in winter. One photographed swimming off The Promenade, Bongaree, 24 October 2022,
SALVIN'S PRION Pachyptila salvini
Very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford).
ANTARCTIC PRION Pachyptila desolata
Very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford).
FAIRY PRION Pachyptila turtur
Very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford).
BLACK-WINGED PETREL Pterodroma nigripennis
Very rare marine visitor.
PROVIDENCE PETREL Pterodroma solandri
Very rare marine visitor.
GREAT-WINGED PETREL Pterodroma macroptera
Very rare marine visitor (T. Ford).
Uncommon marine visitor in summer. eBird reports seen on at Woorim, Edwin Schrag Lookout (2022 and 2023) and four birds seen from Buckley’s Hole sandbar in 2010 following a trawler in from the ocean.
SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER Ardenna tenuirostris
Uncommon marine visitor migrating past Bribie Island in spring. Reported in 2013 on eBird and also two sightings from Edwin Schrag Lookout in 2023. In 2006 and 2013 thousands of dead shearwaters washed up on Ocean Beach, many starving after eating pumice and plastic waste.
Uncommon marine visitor in summer.
Very rare summer marine visitor.
STREAKED SHEARWATER Calonectris leucomelas
Very rare marine visitor.
Uncommon marine visitor migrating past Bribie Island in spring. Flock of about 5000 recorded in 2013. Two flocks of around 1000 seen off Red Beach in 2015 (T. Ford). Seen on July 2022 from Woorim Beach Access and Edwin Schrag Lookout. Many sightings in 2022 of Huttons/Fluttering Shearwaters (could not distinguish) with flocks measured in thousands.
HUTTON'S SHEARWATER Puffinus huttoni
Marine visitor in winter. Large flock reported off Woorim in August 2022.
LITTLE SHEARWATER Puffinus assimilis
Possibly very rare marine visitor in winter (T. Ford).
TAHITI PETREL Pseudobulweria rostrata
Very rare marine visitor in summer (T. Ford).
BLACK-NECKED STORK (Jabiru) Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
Uncommon visitor to wetlands and Passage. Juvenile recorded from Buckley’s Hole.
Infrequent sightings at Buckley’s on eBird in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020 most with comments/photos. Two birds seen in September 2018 with photo.
Rare irregular visitor to wetlands. Four sightings reported on eBird from Bribie Island.
Two reported at Buckleys Hole in August 2024.
ROYAL SPOONBILL Platalea regia
Common breeding resident to Bibymulya Wetlands, Buckley’s Hole and Passage. In 2020 breeding colony successfully established at Goodwin Drive junction with Benabrow Avenue.
AUSTRALIAN WHITE IBIS Threskiornis moluccus
Very common breeding resident; population increasing. Scavenges in eating areas and parks and landfill. Breeding colony successfully established at Goodwin Drive junction with Benabrow Avenue and also at Bibymulya Wetlands.
STRAW-NECKED IBIS Threskiornis spinicollis
Uncommon by comparison to White Ibis, but perhaps becoming integrated into local flocks. Present in large numbers on nearby mainland. Population probably decreasing with loss of rural habitat. Most Bribie sightings reported on eBird seen at Sports Complex & Sewage Works.
GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus
Irregular visitor to Buckley’s Hole. Seen quite frequently in 2019 (20 recorded by J Nargar) and 2020 at Buckley’s Hole on eBird.
AUSTRALASIAN BITTERN Botaurus poiciloptilus
Recorded from Buckley’s Hole in Oct 2013 (C. Bell). Very rare. National reporting program for sightings.
Very rare sighting in wetlands but probably more common than seen. Recorded at Buckley’s Hole in 2011 (T. Ford) and in 2014.
BLACK BITTERN Ixobrychus flavicollis
Very rare visitor to wetlands. Ebird sighting at Sewage Works in April 2023 by reputable observer as it walked in front of car along service road. Terry Burgess reported one in February 2024 at Kakadu Beach, noting its white, yellow and brown streaked chest and black wings. Otherwise only four eBird sightings.
NANKEEN NIGHT-HERON Nycticorax caledonicus
Uncommon visitor to Buckley’s Hole and other wetlands, possibly from established group at Toorbul. Probably breeds locally. Possibly bred in October 2023 with regular sightings with young in December reported on eBird.
STRIATED HERON Butorides striata
Common breeding resident, seen along Passage beaches and at Kakadu Beach bird roost and Wright’s Creek.
Uncommon visitor from mainland where flocks of up to 100 common on farmland. Breeding colony on Caboolture Lakes on nearby mainland. Irregular sightings around Buckley’s Hole of 1-4 birds reported on eBird.
Rare visitor to wetlands, including Buckley’s Hole (C. Bell 2022) and national park. Occasional visitor to Buckley’s and Sewage Works with photos on eBird.
GREAT EGRET Ardea alba
Common resident on Passage beaches, Buckley’s Hole and wetlands.
Common resident on Passage beaches, Buckley’s Hole and wetlands. Recently renamed to Plumed Egret.
WHITE-FACED HERON Egretta novaehollandiae
Very common breeding resident seen on Passage beaches, Buckley’s Hole and wetlands. Seen in numbers (up to 50) at Godwin Beach on the mainland. Often visits gardens and parks.
LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta
Common resident on Passage beaches, Buckley’s Hole and wetlands.
Uncommon to rare visitor to beaches. Recorded Buckleys sandbar March 2009 (D. Wells) and near wreck in Passage (T. Burgess 2023). Reported on eBird at Kakadu Beach in 2020 & 2021, Buckley’s Hole area in 2021 and March 2023.
AUSTRALIAN PELICAN Pelecanus conspicillatus
Iconic Bribie bird, very common along Passage beaches and jetties. Often seen on lampposts on Bribie Bridge.
Rare marine visitor. Seen in 2016 off Woorim by Michael Willis and reported on eBird with good comments.
Very rare marine visitor.
Uncommon marine visitor usually in winter. Regularly reported on eBird from Edwin Schrag Lookout and other spots along east coast of island and occasionally seen at Kakadu Beach.
BROWN BOOBY Sula leucogaster
Uncommon marine visitor. Very occasionally seen from Edwin Schrag Lookout.
LITTLE PIED CORMORANT Microcarbo melanoleucos
Very common breeding resident at Buckley’s Hole and most larger water bodies.
GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo
Frequently reported on eBird at Buckley’s Hole sandbar in recent years and occasionally at Kakadu Beach. Can be seen flying up Passage from Bribie Bridge.
LITTLE BLACK CORMORANT Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Very common resident, possibly breeding, sometimes forming large rafts of over 500 birds in winter in Passage. About 780 recorded by Rob Noble on August 2024 at Kakadu Beacxh bird roost.
GREAT PIED CORMORANT Phalacrocorax varius
Common along Passage. 10 resting at Kakadu Beach roost in August.
Far Eastern Curlew
Numenius madagascariensis
with radio antennae
Photo by D. Simpson
Blue-faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis
Photo by D. Simpson
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
Icthyophaga leucogaster
Photo by D. Simpson
Double-barred Finch Taeniopygia bichenovii
Photo by D. Simpson
Scarlet Honeyeater
Myzomela sanguinolenta
Photo by D. Simpson
Striated Heron Butorides striata
Photo by D. Simpson
Grey Fantail Rhipidura albiscapa
Photo by D. Simpson
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
Lonchura castaneothorax
Photo by M. Britton
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus
Photo by M. Strong
Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides
Photo by M. Strong
White-cheeked Honeyeater
Phylidonyris niger
Photo by A. Carr
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus
Photo by A. Carr
Australian Pelican
Pelecanus conspicillatus
Photo by M. Britten
Australian Shoveller Spatula rhynchotis
Photo by M. Britton
Little Black Cormorant
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Photo by R. Noble
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus
Photo by D. Simpson
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus
Photo by M. Britton
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus
Photo by D. Simpson
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus
Photo by M. Britton
Royal Spoonbills Platalea regia with egrets
Photo by M. Strong
Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius
Photo by A. Carr
Black-fronted Dotterel Charadrius melanops
Photo by M. Strong
AUSTRALASIAN DARTER Anhinga novaehollandiae
Common resident to Buckley’s Hole and other larger water bodies.
BUSH STONE-CURLEW Burhinus grallarius
Uncommon breeding resident, perhaps increasing in numbers. Reported from Buckley's Hole, Woorim and Golf Course.
BEACH STONE-CURLEW Esacus magnirostris
Common breeding resident at Kakadu Beach bird roost over last 12 years most recently successfully in 2022 and 2023. Recently (2023) a pair reported from Gallaghers Point.
PIED OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus longirostris
Very common breeding resident along ocean and Passage beaches. Breeds at Kakadu Beach bird roost.
SOOTY OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus fuliginosus
Uncommon resident. Possibly visits Kakadu Beach from Sandstone Point at high tides but often chased away by resident Pied Oystercatchers.
RED-NECKED AVOCET Recurvirostra novaehollandiae
Very rare irregular visitor, less common than 25 years ago. Reported in 1993 and 1996 at Dux Creek prior to construction of Pacific Harbour. Ten reported at Toorbul in August 2013 (C. Bell).
PIED STILT Himantopus leucocephalus
Very common breeding resident along Passage beaches and at wetlands. Has bred at Buckley’s Hole and Kakadu Beach bird roost, but possibly also breeds in western Queensland after good inland rains. Flocks of over 350 recorded.
GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola
Uncommon to rare visitor on Passage beaches. Recorded at Kakadu Beach bird roost for several years. Infrequent eBird sightings in 2003-2009 and December 2017 (with photos).
Common summer migrant from August to March on Passage beaches. Small flocks of 20-40 roost at high tide near Harbour Promenade Park, Pacific Harbour.
RED-CAPPED PLOVER Anarhynchus ruficapillus
Non migratory shorebird with small flocks between 10 and up to 80. Common breeding resident on Passage beaches and has bred at Kakadu Beach bird roost. Around 40 seen at Harbour Promenade in January 2022.
DOUBLE-BANDED PLOVER Anarhynchus bicinctus
Winter migrant from New Zealand to Kakadu Beach bird roost and also Buckleys Hole sand bar. Arrives as other migratory shorebirds leave for northern hemisphere. Reported on eBird from late March to very early September. 20 in August 2007 and 26 recorded at Kakadu Beach roost in June 2013 followed by a decline but perhaps slowly regaining numbers. However, in 2024 only three birds used the roost for a short time.
SIBERIAN SAND PLOVER Anarhynchus mongolus
Formerly known as Lesser Sand Plover, now split into two species. Once common at Kakadu Beach bird roost, with numbers up to 100-150 prior to 2016, thereafter fell to highs of 30-50, but recently has declined dramatically in numbers to single digits since March 2023.
GREATER SAND PLOVER Anarhynchus leschenaultii
Uncommon migrant shorebird at Kakadu Beach bird roost and Passage beaches Easy to confuse with Siberian Sand Plover. Once common, now decreasing population.
ORIENTAL PLOVER Anarhynchus veredus
Recorded from Kakadu Beach bird roost in September and October 2013.
HOODED PLOVER Charadrius cucullatus
Very rare winter visitor to ocean beach (T. Ford).
BLACK-FRONTED DOTTEREL Charadrius melanops
Irregular visitor in pairs up to 6 to Buckley’s Hole and nearby beaches. Possibly breeds occasionally.
BANDED LAPWING Vanellus tricolor
Very uncommon irregular visitor. Bred in 1970s on nearby mainland (M. Strong) and recorded at Bells Creek Road in 2024 on eBird.
MASKED LAPWING Vanellus miles
Very common breeding resident, increasing in numbers. Noisy and aggressive defending nest. Breeds in parks, traffic islands, roadsides, and Kakadu Beach bird roost. Forms flocks in winter numbering up to 100 on mainland.
RED-KNEED DOTTEREL Erythrogonys cinctus
Rare irregular visitor to Buckley’s Hole. Some sightings on eBird at Buckley’s Hole in 2005, 2018, 2019, and one from 2023.
COMB-CRESTED JACANA Irediparra gallinacea
Fluctuating numbers perhaps dependant on water plant cover; sometimes common at Buckley’s Hole and other larger water bodies. Has bred at Buckley’s Hole. Two reported in August 2024 (M. Strong).
EURASIAN WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus
Common summer migrant in flocks along Passage; singly or in pairs and small numbers at Kakadu Beach bird roost. Tend to roost only in mangroves rather than beaches such as Kakadu Roost.
FAR EASTERN CURLEW Numenius madagascariensis
Endangered but locally common northern migrant. Forms flocks up to 400 at Kakadu Beach bird roost and along Passage.
BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica
Very common summer migrant from Alaska where it breeds. Longest migration of Australian shorebirds. Present from September to March in huge numbers (2500 +) on Passage mud flats, using Kakadu Beach bird roost during high tides when other roosts around the Passage are inundated. Many have green leg flags used for birds in Queensland.
Uncommon summer migrant from northern Siberia, usually with Bar-tailed godwits, in small flocks or singly. Population numbers appear to be declining.
RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres
Uncommon shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere. Favours rocky foreshores and probably visits Bribie from Sandstone Point. Very infrequently a small number (one to three) birds have been recorded on eBird on the Island – at Kakadu Beach, Harbour Promenade in Banksia Beach and around the sandbar at Buckleys and Red Beach.
GREAT KNOT Calidris tenuirostris
Very common shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere, forming flocks of over 100+ at Kakadu Beach bird roost (800 recorded Dec 2009). Population appears to be in decline.
RED KNOT Calidris canutus
Uncommon shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere. Roosts at Kakadu Beach bird roost with Great Knot. 26 recorded Feb 2011 at the roost. Population appears to be in decline. Difficult to distinguish from Great Knot in non-breeding colours.
BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER Calidris falcinellus
Rare shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere. Occasionally recorded from Kakadu Beach bird roost. One bird on eBird in each year 2013, 2014 and 2015 and in Dux Creek in 1997, prior to development of Pacific Harbour.
Common summer shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere. Uses both marine and freshwater habitats. Flocks up to 150 have been recorded on eBird at Kakadu Beach with tens of birds often posted. Small flocks were sighted at Buckley’s Hole but nothing there since 2019. However, this may relate to the water levels in the lagoon, and the increasing use of Godwin Beach on the mainland.
CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea
Listed as Critically endangered. Uncommon summer shorebird migrant from northern hemisphere, whose population has crashed in last few years. Occasionally recorded at Kakadu Beach bird roost, usually 1-5 birds. Older eBird reports indicate very occasional sightings at Buckley’s Sandbar and Red Beach but nothing since 2010.
LONG-TOED STINT Calidris subminuta
Reported from Bibymulya Wetlands in 2018.
RED-NECKED STINT Calidris ruficollis
Common summer shorebird from northern hemisphere. Has formed flocks of up to 60 at Kakadu Beach bird roost in the past. Population appears to be in decline. Consistent sightings at Kakadu Beach on eBird from September to March most years – some overwintering birds sighted in016, 2019 and a few in 2023. May be overlooked because of small size and habit of sheltering in tidewrack.
SANDERLING Calidris alba
Rare summer shorebird from northern hemisphere. Recorded from Red Beach, Kakadu Beach bird roost and Buckleys Hole sandbar (2007 and 2009) and Woody Beach (2023).
PECTORAL SANDPIPER Calidris melanotos
Very rare summer migrant from northern hemisphere. One report on eBird at Buckley’s Hole sandbar in November 2006.
ASIAN DOWITCHER Limnodromus semipalmatus
Very rare summer migrant shorebird from northern hemisphere. Singly or in pairs usually in company of godwits and knots. Recorded from Kakadu Beach bird roost in February 2008, October 2009, 2014 (T. Baker & M. Strong), in November 2018, December 2019,
LATHAM'S SNIPE Gallinago hardwickii
Beautifully coloured secretive summer migrant (August to March) frequenting freshwater wetlands. Usually, several individuals at Buckley’s Hole during summer.
TEREK SANDPIPER Xenus cinereus
Uncommon summer migrant from northern hemisphere. Population appears in decline. Listed as Endangered. May perch in mangroves during high tides. Reported on eBird at Kakadu Beach very occasionally, particularly during bad weather. On two occasions in November 2021 and December 2022 large numbers of Tereks were seen flying into Kakadu Roost at sunset in bad weather. On two occasions Tereks have been seen at Gallagher’s Point with a photo of 20 in May 2014 and also two sightings at Buckley’s Hole sandbar in 2013 and 2014.
COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos
Uncommon summer migrant from northern hemisphere. On a number of occasions in recent years, a single bird has been sighted at Harbour Promenade in Banksia Beach in September/October 2023, October to December 2019 and October to December 2018.
Common summer migrant from northern hemisphere. Roosts during high tide in mangrove islands in Passage. Flocks over 300 recorded on nearby mainland. At Kakadu Roost, occasional sightings of relatively high numbers in 2015 (100-300 birds) and since 2019 regular sightings of tens of birds have been reported on eBird. Infrequently sighted in other areas along western side of island with larger numbers reported near to Mission Point and Lime Pocket camping areas.
Uncommon summer migrant from northern hemisphere. Prefers rocky foreshores and Bribie birds may come from Sandstone Point.
COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
Uncommon summer migrant from northern hemisphere. Occasional visitor to Buckley's Hole. Rarely seen on Island with eBird reports in January/February 2021 of a handful of birds flying in with larger group of shorebirds from Toorbul. Frequent visitor to Godwin Beach on nearby mainland.
MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnatilis
Uncommon summer migrant from northern hemisphere. Sighting at Buckleys Hole in November 2023 with Pied Stilts. Single bird reported on eBird at Buckley’s Hole on very few occasions since 2005.
Very rare visitor to national park, heathland, forest (T. Ford).
Rare visitor to national park, heathland, forest. Population in decline due to land clearing and development. Two reports on eBird – 1997 and 2018.
Very rare visitor to national park, heathland, forest (T. Ford).
BROWN (COMMON) NODDY Anous stolidus
Rare marine visitor. Reported from Woorim in 2015 on eBird.
BLACK NODDY Anous minutus
Very rare marine visitor.
GREY TERNLET (Grey Noddy) Procelsterna cerulea
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
WHITE TERN Gygis alba
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
SILVER GULL Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae
Very common resident along beaches and frequenting parks. Breeds inland Australia or offshore islands.
LAUGHING GULL Larus atricilla
Very rare marine vagrant. Seen at Buckley’s Hole in 2002 & 2003 reported on eBird.
PACIFIC GULL Larus pacificus
Very rare marine vagrant. Recorded at Buckley’s Sand bar 2013 (M. Strong & C Bell) and 2022 on eBird with photos.
KELP GULL Larus dominicanus
Very rare marine vagrant. Recorded at Buckley’s Sand bar 2013 (M. Strong) and eBird 2013.
SOOTY TERN Onychoprion fuscatus
Rare marine vagrant, usually after cyclonic winds. Dead birds found on Ocean Beach, which should encourage investigation of any beach finds. Seen at Buckleys Hole on eBird in 2013.
BRIDLED TERN Onychoprion anaethetus
Very rare marine vagrant. Seen at Buckleys Hole in 2013 and reported on eBird.
LITTLE TERN Sternula albifrons
Common marine resident; usually after winds on ocean beaches and Passage. Regularly seen at Kakadu Beach and Buckley’s Hole sandbar – numbering 100+ on a couple of occasions
FAIRY TERN Sternula nereis
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
AUSTRALIAN TERN Gelochelidon macrotarsa
Very common marine tern, congregating in large numbers at Kakadu Beach bird roost and ocean beaches near Buckley’s Hole sandbar. Race affinis has been recorded from Kakadu Beach roost.
CASPIAN TERN Hydroprogne caspia
Largest tern in world. Common marine tern, congregating in small flocks at Kakadu Beach bird roost and ocean beaches.
WHISKERED (MARSH) TERN Chlidonias hybrida
Rare visitor to Buckley’s Hole and other wetlands. Reported occasionally at Buckley’s Hole on eBird.
WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN Chlidonias leucopterus
Uncommon marine tern. Reported on eBird at Buckley’s Hole in 2015 and 2020.
ROSEATE TERN Sterna dougallii
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
Uncommon marine tern in winter. One seen on eBird in August 2022 at Buckley’s Hole sandbar by many observers.
BLACK-NAPED TERN Sterna sumatrana
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo
Once common, this marine tern now rarely visits Kakadu Beach bird roost, where it used to be a frequent visitor in summer. Flock of 25 recorded at Buckleys Sandbar in November 2007 and 50 recorded in 2015 and Kakadu Beach roost.
ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford).
ANTARCTIC TERN Sterna vittata
Very rare marine vagrant (T. Ford). Not reported anywhere on Australian eastern coast on eBird. Uncertain status and sighting.
LESSER CRESTED TERN Thalasseus bengalensis
Uncommon winter marine visitor. Confused frequently on eBird with Greater Crested Tern. Good records from August/September 2021 and August 2023 at Buckley’s Hole sandbar. Has been recorded at Kakadu Beach (M. Strong).
GREATER CRESTED TERN Thalasseus bergii
Very common marine tern. Rests on ocean beaches and Kakadu Beach bird roost, sometimes in large flock up to 200 (M. Strong 2022).
LONG-TAILED JAEGER Stercorarius longicaudus
Very rare marine vagrant in summer (T. Ford).
ARCTIC JAEGER Stercorarius parasiticus
Rare marine vagrant in summer (T. Ford). Seen from Edwin Schrag Lookout in April 2022 and April 2023 reported on eBird and Red Beach in 2018.
POMARINE JAEGER Stercorarius pomarinus
Uncommon marine visitor in summer (T. Ford). Seen from Edwin Schrag Lookout in April 2022.
AUSTRALIAN GRASS OWL Tyto longimembris
Rarely seen long-legged owl. Photographed and recorded national park in June 2023.
AUSTRALASIAN MASKED OWL Tyto novaehollandaie
Very rare visitor to woodlands. Breeds Glass House Mountains (M. Strong).
BARN OWL Tyto alba
Uncommon to rare resident; population decreasing due to use of poisons. Two sightings reported on eBird in Bungaree (with photos) in 2023 and Banksia Beach in 2022.
POWERFUL OWL Ninox strenua
Uncommon visitor; recorded at Buckley’s Hole (C. Bell) and Sandstone Point (M. Strong). Heard calling in Bongaree in 2023 and Flinders Street Track on five occasions in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
BARKING OWL Ninox connivens
Uncommon visitor; recorded at Buckley’s Hole in 2016 (C. Bell). Only one report on eBird at Woorim in 2011.
Fairly common extending into suburbia; forest areas. Numbers probably decreasing due to road kills and poison baits. Its familiar 'mo-poke' call a feature of late spring nights. Heard at Sylvan Beach in 2015. Photos at Kakadu Beach in November 2021 on eBird, otherwise heard at Sylvan Beach and at Flinders Street Track.
EASTERN OSPREY Pandion haliaetus
Common breeding resident in coastal areas and Passage. Large bulky nests are located on suitable trees and phone towers. Possibly increasing in numbers. Eight in small flock at Sandstone Point in August 2024.
Uncommon visitor from mainland. Recorded Buckleys Hole Nov 2009). Very occasionally seen around island as reported on eBird with two reports in 2023.
SQUARE-TAILED KITE Lophoictinia isura
Rare visitor from mainland to forested areas. Photographed on eBird at Sewage Works in 2023 and Cosmos Park and Golf Club in 2022.
PACIFIC BAZA Aviceda subcristata
Uncommon breeding resident. Extensively photographed on eBird at Buckley‘s Hole in October 2023 but otherwise seldom reported.
Uncommon visitor overflying island from mainland ranges.
LITTLE EAGLE Hieraaetus morphnoides
Rare winter visitor. Sighting reported at Buckley’s Hole in September/October 2023.
SWAMP HARRIER Circus approximans
Regular but uncommon visitor to Buckley’s Hole and other wetlands in national park. Occasional sightings around Bribie, more frequently at Buckley’s Hole on eBird.
SPOTTED HARRIER Circus assimilis
Very rare visitor. A few sightings on eBird with one in July 2023 at Bellara Lake.
GREY GOSHAWK Accipiter novaehollandiae
Rare; status uncertain but probably vagrant from mainland. Recorded Sandstone Point in November 2023. A few single sightings on eBird – most around Sports Complex.
BROWN GOSHAWK Accipiter fasciatus
Uncommon; status uncertain but probably vagrant from mainland. Possibly more frequent in northern part of island. Quite a few sightings in southern area of island on eBird – many with photos in 2022 and 2023. Occasionally targets birds at Buckley's Hole.
COLLARED SPARROWHAWK Accipiter cirrocephalus
Uncommon, but perhaps more frequent than reported. A few sightings with photos reported on eBird around Sports Complex, Buckley’s Hole, Kakadu Beach, Banksia Beach and Bicentennial Parks.
WHITE-BELLIED SEA-EAGLE Icthyophaga leucogaster
Common breeding resident in coastal areas and Passage. Often seen soaring over Passage.
WHISTLING KITE Haliastur sphenurus
Common breeding resident.
BRAHMINY KITE Haliastur indus
Common breeding resident.
BLACK KITE Milvus migrans
Uncommon visitor from nearby mainland where increasing rapidly in numbers due to landfill. Flock of 30 at Ningi (M Strong 2022). Sightings at Red Beach/Buckleys Hole in 2009, 2021 and 2023.
RAINBOW BEE-EATER Merops ornatus
Common breeding resident with possibly some seasonal migration. Tunnels into sandy banks at Kakadu Beach and Red Beach.
DOLLARBIRD Eurystomus orientalis
Common breeding migrant arriving in October and departing north in March. Frequently heard and seen – losing nesting sites around Banksia Beach as old trees fall down.
Uncommon breeding resident at Buckleys Hole and other permanent water bodies. Was frequently reported in 2019 at Wrights Creek bridge on eBird and is regularly sighted at Buckleys Hole and the Sewerage Ponds.
FOREST KINGFISHER Todiramphus macleayii
Uncommon summer breeding migrant, although some birds may stay year round. Possibly decreasing in numbers due to loss of habitat. Regularly reported with photos around Sports Complex/Sewage Works on eBird.
COLLARED KINGFISHER Todiramphus chloris
Breeding resident, common in mangrove forests and adjacent estuarine habitats.
SACRED KINGFISHER Todiramphus sanctus
Common breeding summer migrant, although some birds may stay year round, especially at Buckleys Hole.
LAUGHING KOOKABURRA Dacelo novaeguineae
The world’s largest kingfisher. Common breeding resident in suburbia and forested areas. Frequent road victim.
NANKEEN KESTREL Falco cenchroides
Uncommon; status uncertain but possibly breeds on island from time to time.
AUSTRALIAN HOBBY Falco longipennis
Uncommon; status uncertain but possibly breeds on island from time to time. Definitely in Wrights Creek area in 2022 and 2023 and reported with photos on eBird. Seen occasionally elsewhere in previous years in southern end of island.
BROWN FALCON Falco berigora
Rare visitor from mainland. Occasional sighting reported on eBird over the years at Heathland Street in 2018, 2019 and 2022 near Golf Club.
PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus
Uncommon visitor from mainland where breeds on Glass House Mountains. Occasionally raids Kakadu Beach bird roost. Occasionally seen around island but eBird photos from around White Patch and Kakadu Beach in 2022 and 2023.
COCKATIEL Nymphicus hollandicus
Rare aviary escapee? A few sightings reported on eBird including a sighting of one bird at Kakadu Beach in January 2023.
Far Eastern Curlew
Numenius madagascariensis
Photo by D. Simpson
Striated Pardalote Pardalotus striatus
outside nesting tunnel
Photo by M. Strong
Magpie Geese Anseranas semipalmata
Photo by M. Strong
Buff-banded Rail Hypotaenidia philippensis
with chicks
Photo by M. Britton
Fairy Martin Petrochelidon ariel nests
Photo by M. Strong
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula
Photo by D. Simpson
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva,
non-breeding plumage
Photo by G. Harrison
Australian Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandaie
Photo by M. Strong
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris
in breeding plumage
Photo by D. Simpson
Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata
Photo by M. Britten
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus
Photo by A. Carr
Red-backed Fairy-wren
Malurus melanocephalus
Photo by M. Britten
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica
in breeding pumage
Photo by D. Simpson
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica
with leg flag, banded at Toorbul, in
Moreton Bay
Photo by D. Simpson
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax
Photo by M. Britton
Fairy Gerygone Gerygone palpebrosa
Photo by M. Britton
Crested Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus
Photo by M. Britton
Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus regina
Photo by D. Simpson
Grey-tailed Tattlers Tringa brevipes and Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres
Photo by D. Simpson
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus moluccanus
Photo by M. Britton
Black-necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
Photo by D. Simpson
Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami
Photo by M. Britton
Golden Whistler Pachycephala pectoralis
Photo by D. Simpson
Variegated Fairy-wren Malurus lamberti
Photo by M. Britton
Double-banded Plover Anarhynchus bicinctus
in non-breeding plumage
Photo by M. Strong
RED-TAILED BLACK-COCKATOO Calyptorhynchus banksii
Very rare visitor to heathland and forest areas.
GLOSSY BLACK-COCKATOO Calyptorhynchus lathami
Very rare visitor in pairs and small flocks to forest areas, especially where casuarinas are present. Sighted in March 2020 in Sports Complex/Buckleys Hole and one sighting in Banksia Beach in October 2023. Major campaign to prevent extinction. Please report any sightings.
Large cockatoo that has increased in numbers since planting of exotic pine plantations – one of the few species to benefit. With the reduction and logging of these plantations, the species may be at risk. Flock of about 50 birds roost along Bribie Island Road near Peel Rd.
GALAH Eolophus roseicapilla
Common breeding resident in suburban gardens, parks and roadsides.
LONG-BILLED CORELLA Cacatua tenuirostris
Very rare aviary escapee? Quite a large population around Brisbane area extending up to Noosa and down to Coolangatta and inland to Wivenhoe. Occasional sightings reported on eBird from Bribie.
LITTLE CORELLA Cacatua sanguinea
Increasing population since 1990s, possibly supported by feral birds, in large noisy flocks of up to 500.
Common breeding resident in suburban gardens, parks and roadsides.
RED-RUMPED PARROT Psephotus haematonotus
Very rare vagrant. (T. Ford).
CRIMSON ROSELLA Platycercus elegans
Very rare vagrant, perhaps aviary escapee. Recorded 1970s at Abbey Museum (E. Cuffe and M. Strong). Reported in 1997 and 2000 on eBird and described as escapee.
PALE-HEADED ROSELLA Platycercus adscitus
Common breeding resident in forest areas.
AUSTRALIAN RINGNECK Barnardius zonarius
Very rare, probably aviary escapee. Reported on eBird by Michael Willis in March 1997 indicating the Port Lincoln variety escapees “lived and bred” around Bellara for some years.
TURQUOISE PARROT Neophema pulchella
Very rare vagrant; has bred on nearby mainland (M. Strong 1970s).
MUSK LORIKEET Glossopsitta concinna
Rare irregular visitor in small flocks during winter. Many sightings in 2018 from White Patch down to Red Beach to Sports Complex to Woorim with numbers up to 50. A couple of sightings since then with comments in 2019 but no comments on more recent sightings.
LITTLE LORIKEET Glossopsitta pusilla
More frequently heard than seen, this tiny lorikeet may be more common than reported.
RAINBOW LORIKEET Trichoglossus moluccanus
Very common breeding resident that has benefited from garden plantings of native species. Increasing in numbers.
SCALY-BREASTED LORIKEET Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus
Common breeding resident, but perhaps population declined because of competition by larger Rainbow lorikeets and Indian Mynahs for nest holes and loss of coastal heathland. Frequently reported at Banksia Beach, Buckley's Hole and Sports Complex.
BUDGERIGAR Melopsittacus undulatus
Very rare aviary escapee?
AUSTRALIAN KING-PARROT Alisterus scapularis
Rare visitor from mainland. Six sightings on island on eBird – most recently in 2021 and 2022 by reliable observers.
RED-WINGED PARROT Aprosmictus erythropterus
Very rare visitor from mainland (T. Ford).
NOISY PITTA Pitta versicolor
Uncommon seasonal visitor to forest areas, perhaps even breeding. Recorded on Red Beach walk. Sighting in August 2022 reported with photo on eBird at Buckley’s Hole.
GREEN CATBIRD Ailuroedus crassirostris
Unconfirmed report of call from near Poverty Creek, September 2016. The habitat is unsuitable for catbirds in this area.
REGENT BOWERBIRD Sericulus chrysocephalus
Photo on eBird in August 2010 – only sighting reported.
Uncommon breeding resident; loud call heard in forested areas. A number of,sightings around island with comments on both sighting and call. Often reported on Red Beach Road, Sports Complex and recently (2023) with photos at Wrights Creek,
Common breeding resident in small parties in forested and heathland areas. Superb Fairy-wrens M. cyaneus have been reported in 2013 and 2018 from Poverty Creek
but photographic evidence is needed.
RED-BACKED FAIRY-WREN Malurus melanocephalus
Common breeding resident in small parties in wetter heathland areas.
Very common breeding resident in wallum heathland and forest areas, visiting suburban gardens.
BROWN HONEYEATER Lichmera indistincta
Common breeding resident. Loudest voice for size of any Australian bird.
BLUE-FACED HONEYEATER Entomyzon cyanotis
Common breeding resident in gardens, orchards and forested areas.
WHITE-THROATED HONEYEATER Melithreptus albogularis
Very common breeding resident.
STRIPED HONEYEATER Plectorhyncha lanceolata
Uncommon seasonal visitor, perhaps some resident. Seen quite frequently on eBird from White Patch down to Red Beach, Golf Club and Sports Complex.
LITTLE FRIARBIRD Philemon citreogularis
Uncommon to common winter visitor to forested areas and gardens. Quite a lot of sightings reported on eBird on Bribie Island – frequently at Buckley’s Hole, Sports Complex and Kakadu Beach.
NOISY FRIARBIRD Philemon corniculatus
Common breeding resident to gardens and orchards. Forms larger flocks when Paperbark Teatrees are in flower.
Very rare vagrant (T. Ford).
DUSKY MYZOMELA Myzomela obscura
Rare vagrant, perhaps overlooked and confused with female Scarlet Myzomela. Reported Norfolk Creek, April 2010 and on eBird at Sports Complex in April 2023.
SCARLET HONEYEATER Myzomela sanguinolenta
Also called Scarlet Myzomela. Common breeding nomad, following honey tide. Perhaps more common in winter-spring with most sightings reported on eBird.
EASTERN SPINEBILL Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
Very rare vagrant. Recorded July 2022 on Red Beach track (C. Bell) and reported occasionally including 2018.
CRIMSON CHAT Epthianura tricolor
Very rare vagrant according to T. Ford. Uncertain what evidence this sighting is based on. Nearest sighting on eBird at Lake Samsonvale on mainland.
LEWIN'S HONEYEATER Meliphaga lewinii
Common breeding resident in gardens, forest areas, rain forest.
YELLOW HONEYEATER Stomiopera flava
Very rare vagrant at Banksia Beach in 2014. Seen by a number of observers. Reported on eBird by Greg Roberts with photo stating first record for SE Queensland. Reported again in September 2015 with photo comment that it was there in 2014 as well.
SPINY-CHEEKED HONEYEATER Acanthagenys rufogularis
Very rare visitor. One sighting with photo on eBird in December 2014 at Golf Course.
LITTLE WATTLEBIRD Anthochaera chrysoptera
Common breeding resident in parks, gardens and forested areas.
REGENT HONEYEATER Anthochaera phrygia
Very rare and endangered migrant honeyeater from south. Major breeding campaign to prevent extinction.
RED WATTLEBIRD Anthochaera carunculata
Very rare visitor (T. Ford). One reported sighting on eBird in 2000 from Toowoomba Bird Observers group visit.
MANGROVE HONEYEATER Gavicalis fasciogularis
Common breeding resident in mangroves and adjoining forest.
Common seasonal breeding migrant from south.
NOISY MINER Manorina melanocephala
Very common breeding resident, increasing in numbers and aggression to other bird and small mammal species. May require reduction in numbers to protect smaller bush birds. The loss of undergrowth to create parklike environments has reduced shelter for smaller birds and encouraged population growth of miners.
SPOTTED PARDALOTE Pardalotus punctatus
Uncommon in forest areas but perhaps often overlooked despite its beautiful colours. Has been recorded breeding on island.
STRIATED PARDALOTE Pardalotus striatus
Common breeding resident. Will build tunnel nest wherever opportunity presents.
BROWN GERYGONE Gerygone mouki
Very rare visitor in forested areas.
FAIRY GERYGONE Gerygone palpebrosa
Very rare visitor in forested areas. Reported with lots of excitement on eBird in Red Beach Road areas in 2020, 2021 and 2022 with some recordings and photos.
Common breeding resident, whose lilting song is one of the iconic spring calls.
MANGROVE GERYGONE Gerygone levigaster
Common breeding resident in mangrove forests. Call is a plaintive trill.
WEEBILL Smicrornis brevirostris
Australia’s smallest bird. Rare breeding (?) resident in forest areas; probably often overlooked.
SPECKLED WARBLER Pyrrholaemus sagittatus
Rare visitor to coastal northern part of island. Recorded at Sandstone Point in 1990s in mangroves.
WHITE-BROWED SCRUBWREN Sericornis frontalis
Common breeding resident in forest areas with undergrowth.
LARGE-BILLED SCRUBWREN Sericornis magnirostra
Uncommon. Found in forested areas with undergrowth. Reported occasionally on eBird – more so in White Patch and Sports Complex areas.
YELLOW-RUMPED THORNBILL Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
Very rare visitor (T. Ford).
STRIATED THORNBILL Acanthiza lineata
Uncommon resident, probably breeding. Two sightings 1996 and 2009 – no comments made on eBird.
BROWN THORNBILL Acanthiza pusilla
Common breeding resident in forest area with undergrowth.
GREY-CROWNED BABBLER Pomatostomus temporalis
Status uncertain. Once common breeding resident species in forest and gardens but has declined dramatically in recent years. Locally extinct in most areas of suburbia. Reported from Bribie Island in 2007 in National Park, 2014 at Buckley’s Hole and Poverty Creek in 2016 on eBird – but with no comments or photos.
VARIED SITTELLA Daphoenositta chrysoptera
Uncommon breeding resident, perhaps locally nomadic in forest areas. Last reported on eBird in 2019.
AUSTRALASIAN FIGBIRD Sphecotheres vieilloti
Very common breeding resident in parks and gardens.
OLIVE-BACKED ORIOLE Oriolus sagittatus
Common breeding summer migrant with distinctive 'ori-oll' call.
EASTERN SHRIKE-TIT Falcunculus frontatus
Uncommon resident, probably breeding in forest areas. Several sightings and reports from White Patch in 2016 to 2019; only one sighting in 2023 on eBird.
RUFOUS WHISTLER Pachycephala rufiventris
Common breeding resident in forest and woodland areas.
GOLDEN WHISTLER Pachycephala pectoralis
Common breeding resident in denser forest areas, possibly with some seasonal movement.
RUFOUS SHRIKE-THRUSH Colluricincla rufogaster
Formerly known as Litte Shrike-thrush. Common breeding resident in forest areas. Regularly reported on eBird in White Patch, Sports Complex & Buckley’s Hole areas. Common in wetter undergrowth in national park.
GREY SHRIKE-THRUSH Colluricincla harmonica
Common breeding resident in forest areas. Joondoobara people used its call to know when to leave camp in morning.
EASTERN WHIPBIRD Psophodes olivaceus
Common breeding resident in forest areas with thicker undergrowth. Iconic call.
Very rare visitor. Single sighting reported on eBird with photos in October 2020.
BLACK-FACED CUCKOO-SHRIKE Coracina novaehollandiae
Common breeding resident in forests, parks and gardens.
Very rare visitor. Recent sightings recorded on eBird.
COMMON CICADABIRD Edolisoma tenuirostre
Common summer breeding migrant to forest areas across island. More often heard than seen but call is diagnostic.
Rare visitor. Very occasionally reported on eBird with recent sightings at White Patch in October 2023.
VARIED TRILLER Lalage leucomela
Uncommon breeding resident. Frequently reported on eBird from Sewage Works and White Patch – also seen occasionally in other locations, including Bribie Bicentennial Trails - a useful bird-watching place. More often seen in summer months.
PIED CURRAWONG Strepera graculina
Common winter visitor to adjacent mainland and island. Relatively infrequently reported on eBird around island, perhaps more so in 2023 than other years.
AUSTRALIAN MAGPIE Gymnorhina tibicen
Very common breeding resident, often with aggressive behaviour defending breeding territory. Both white-backed and black-backed sub-species recorded from nearby mainland (2020) during major forest fires in NSW (M. Strong).
PIED BUTCHERBIRD Cracticus nigrogularis
Common breeding resident in forests, parks and gardens.
GREY BUTCHERBIRD Cracticus torquatus
Very common breeding resident in forests, parks and gardens.
MASKED WOODSWALLOW Artamus personatus
Very rare irregular visitor. Seen with White-browed Woodswallow in October 2015 and September 2017.
WHITE-BROWED WOODSWALLOW Artamus superciliosus
Very rare irregular visitor. A couple of sightings reported on eBird in 2015 and 2017 (with photo). 40 birds in 2017.
Uncommon breeding resident in heathlands and Red Beach (M. Strong 2015). Four sightings reported on eBird, but none since 2016.
Very common breeding resident. Adapted to urban areas.
WILLIE WAGTAIL Rhipidura leucophrys
Common breeding resident in parks and gardens; perhaps increasing due to better domestic cat management.
Uncommon in thicker wet forest areas; perhaps local seasonal movement; possibly breeds. Relatively commonly reported on eBird around Buckley’s Hole, Sports Complex and Bicentennial Walks. Common in wetter area with palm undergrowth in Bicentennial Trails area and national park towards Gallaghers Point.
GREY FANTAIL Rhipidura albiscapa
Common breeding resident in forests and woodlands; frequent visitor to bush gardens.
SPANGLED DRONGO Dicrurus bracteatus
Seasonally common migrant, with irregular breeding resident population. Probably seasonal migration movement. Frequent reports on eBird with very large numbers sighted in September during their migration. A home at Banksia Beach reported 30 at their garden feeder.
LEADEN FLYCATCHER Myiagra rubecula
Common summer breeding migrant in forest but declining in numbers because of habitat loss. Still relatively commonly reported on eBird from some areas such as Sports Complex, Sewage Works and Buckley’s Hole. Common in northern part of national park where the male's grating call is a familiar sound in late spring.
SATIN FLYCATCHER Myiagra cyanoleuca
Very rare summer migrant in forest. One sighting reported at Buckley’s Hole on eBird in 1997 with comment that it is often misidentified with Leaden Flycatcher.
Very rare summer migrant, usually near water (T. Ford). No records on eBird for the island.
Uncommon and irregular visitor, often near water. Frequently reported on eBird around Buckley’s Hole area and very occasionally in other areas on edges of habitation in recent years.
MAGPIE-LARK (PEEWEE) Grallina cyanoleuca
Common breeding resident, perhaps increasing in gardens with better domestic cat management.
SPECTACLED MONARCH Symposiachrus trivirgatus
Uncommon summer migrant (perhaps breeding) to forests in Passage and national park. Very few isolated sightings reported on eBird over last ten years.
Uncommon summer migrant (T. Ford). No sightings reported on eBird anywhere south of Port Douglas so it is uncertain what evidence Trevor Ford based this record on.
Very common breeding resident in parks and gardens. Aggressive defender of territory.
ROSE ROBIN Petroica rosea
Uncommon winter migrant from south. Photo on eBird at Sports Complex in August 2023 amd a few other sightings in 2021 and 2023 around Red Beach. Frequent sightings in national park north of Ranger station.
JACKY WINTER Microeca fascinans
Once extremely common, now very rare and locally extinct in mainland areas where previously was breeding resident. Only one report on eBird in 1997 at Cochin Creek.
EASTERN YELLOW ROBIN Eopsaltria australis
Common breeding resident in wallum forest, especially with thick undergrowth.
Uncommon in rank grasslands, wetlands and heathlands. Seen frequently at Buckley’s Hole but seldom seen elsewhere on eBird although some recent sightings around Banksia Beach.
AUSTRALIAN REED-WARBLER Acrocephalus australis
Common unobtrusive breeding summer migrant to Buckley’s Hole reed beds. Melodious song. Often seen fossicking along edge of reed beds and lagoon.
BROWN SONGLARK Cincloramphus cruralis
Very rare vagrant from mainland (T. Ford).
RUFOUS SONGLARK Cincloramphus mathewsi
Very rare vagrant from mainland. Recorded on eBird in October 2023 in Buckley’s Hole area but perhaps mistaken for Reed-warbler.
TAWNY GRASSBIRD Cincloramphus timoriensis
Common unobtrusive breeding resident in grasslands, wetlands and heathlands. Resident at Buckley’s Hole reedbeds. Frequently recorded on eBird in southern end of island – more often heard than seen.
LITTLE GRASSBIRD Poodytes gramineus
Rare in grasslands, wetlands and heathlands. Observed on eBird at Heathland Street in August 2022.
FAIRY MARTIN Petrochelidon ariel
Uncommon to common visitor with flocks of swallows and martins. Large flock bred at Abbey Museum in 1979 with 45 breeding pairs, increasing to about 50-60 pairs before its nesting site was lost. There may be confusion by observers between Tree and Fairy Martins.
TREE MARTIN Petrochelidon nigricans
Uncommon breeding resident. Possibly has decreased population due to loss of suitable breeding tree hollows. eBird sightings probably not reliable.
WELCOME SWALLOW Hirundo neoxena
Very common breeding resident, Possibly some seasonal movement.
BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica
Very rare summer visitor. Always worth looking at flocks of Welcome Swallows to see if one has a black band separating rufous throat. No sightings reported on eBird.
SILVEREYE Zosterops lateralis
Common breeding resident with local population increase in winter from southeast Australia. Decreased in numbers with loss of habitat to urban expansion and fewer gardens with fruit trees. Frequent sightings reported on eBird around island, especially around Sewage Works and Sports Complex.
COMMON STARLING * Sturnus vulgaris
Introduced species. Once common, now displaced by introduced Common Myna. Two recent sightings in 2023 at Kakadu Beach and Golf Course.
COMMON MYNA* Acridotheres tristis
Introduced common breeding resident. Aggressively displacing native species and increasing in numbers. Groups of up to 30 reported. BIEPA is considering a trapping program.
MISTLETOEBIRD Dicaeum hirundinaceum
Common breeding resident or semi nomadic following flowering mistletoe.
SCALY-BREASTED MUNIA * Lonchura punctulata
Previously called Spice or Nutmeg Mannikin. Rare, introduced vagrant to areas of rank grass (T. Ford).
CHESTNUT-BREASTED MANNIKIN Lonchura castaneothorax
Uncommon in grassland, road edges, heathland, forest. Only four sightings reported on eBird since 2021.
RED-BROWED FINCH Neochmia temporalis
Common breeding resident in forest, heathland forming pairs or small flocks. More often seen and in more locations than Double-barred Finch.
ZEBRA FINCH Taeniopygia castanotis
Very rare, possibly aviary escapee, but drought forces some species closer to coast. One sighting reported on eBird in 1987 with comment that it was likely an escapee.
DOUBLE-BARRED FINCH Taeniopygia bichenovii
Common breeding resident in forest, heathland forming pairs or small flocks. eBird reports are more irregular than expected – most often seen around Sewage Works and Sports Complex.
HOUSE SPARROW * Passer domesticus
Once common around suburbia, now uncommon. Reported on eBird in recent years at Harbour Promenade, Banksia Beach.
AUSTRALIAN PIPIT Anthus novaeseelandiae
Common breeding resident; parks, suburbs, heathland.
EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla tschutschensis
Very rare vagrant at Buckley’s Hole in October 2013 (C. Bell) and reported with photo on eBird.
Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles
Photo by M. Britton
Rainbow Beeater Merops ornatus
Photo by M. Britton
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Zanda funerea
Photo by A. Carr
Pied Stilt Himantopus leucocephalus and chick
Photo by M. Britton
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata
Photo by M. Britton
Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys
Photo by M. Britten
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus
Photo by M. Britten
Red-capped Plover
Anarhynchus ruficapillus
Photo by G. Harrison
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Cacatua galerita
Photo by M. Britten
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis
Photo by M. Britten
Pied Oystercatcher
Haematopus longirostris
Photo by M. Britten
Barn Owl Tyto alba
Photo by M. Britton